Jessi (Jessica)

nicknames: Shoe, Shu-ah, Ye-shu-ah, Jess, JESSICA! (usually followed by knock it OFF!) 
birth date: 4-2-97
favorite dog to run with: Me run? No way! Buddy and I are the official urbanmushing mascots!
favorite toy:
funny looking spiky hard rubber thingy
favorite food: anything my parents eat
favorite pastime: keeping my brothers in line – it’s a full-time job!
I’m best friends with: Well, lets see…has to be Henning. I also love Mary, Giao and Barbara because they walk me when everyone runs the dogs
pet-peeves: when those brothers of mine don’t listen to me!
if I could change anything in the world, it would be… This is MY house, therefore I should be the ONLY dog!
I love my parent(s) because…they love me
my bio: Jessi was the product of backyard breeders in HB. My vet told me about her and of course, she has been with us ever since. Jessi was the most athletic husky around…like most huskies, she literally bounced off walls and leapt and ran with the best of them…until she had a spinal embolism in 2001. She lost the use of her back legs for six weeks and now does not have full use of her back legs. She is a wonder-dog, extremely loving, still has amazing spurts of energy and continues to keep her four brothers in line!
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